
It is a glass reinforced epoxy laminate sheet supplier in Gauteng, South Africa

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It is a glass reinforced epoxy laminate sheet supplier in Gauteng, South Africa

Time: 08-13 2020    Auther: Ztelec group

The South Africa customer came to visit ZTelec Group on May 8th,2019. We picked them up at the hotel in the mornin...

The South Africa customer came to visit ZTelec Group on May 8th,2019. We picked them up at the hotel in the morning, then we came to our factory in Xuchang City. They mainly visited our FR4/G10/G11 glass reinforced epoxy laminate sheet workshop. Our core technology impressed them a lot. The whole process includes raw material electronic grade fiberglass cloth warehouse, gluing and drying process of fiberglass cloth, cutting, hot pressing, edge cutting and final products warehouse. “Wow, it’s amazing.” One of them said. The technology was mature, the selected raw material and skilled workers really surprised me. Finally they decided to buy 10 G10 sheets first.

Description and application of colorful G10 glass reinforced epoxy laminate sheet

G10 fiberglass laminated sheet is called epoxy resin-laminated alkali-free glass fiber board in Chinese. It is a thin plate with a thickness of about 0.18mm which is synthesized by filling epoxy resin with fiberglass cloth under temperatures above 200°C. Initially, G-10 laminated sheet are used to produce insulation boards for the electronics industry, and they are gradually applied to sports equipment, mechanical materials, and even aerospace equipment.

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If you are interested in our products,, please send us a message and we will contact you as soon as we receive it. Email: whatsApp: +8615716749170

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